When planning your wedding, you deserve the service of Denver Weddign Caterer, the cutting-edge catering professionals at The Food Guy. The Food Guy's friendly wedding caterers and knowledgeable sales staff can assist you in designing a custom menu and wedding cake based upon your dreams and vision. We can even support you in choosing the best venue in San Diego for catering your wedding.
We will customize a complete Denver wedding reception scenario to reflect your taste and unique personality. Based upon the number of guests, location of your reception, type of service, menu, and equipment rentals, our prices vary from $65 to $125 per person.
After we send you a proposal based upon your expressed needs and desires, you will be invited to taste a selection of your menu and experience first hand why The Food Guy has been the recipient of many catering awards for ethics, service and food quality. The difference is delicious!
To taste the fantastic flavors of our Denver Wedding Catering, call us at (303) 727-9200 or click here to request a customized catering scenario in the cuisine of your choice.
For Goodness Sakes, Look At Those Cakes
Two weeks ago, my friends Joa and Melissa’s suggested baking on Sundays.
Last weekend was the Super Bowl, so we didn’t bake, but yesterday, we did.
5 years ago