When its her special day, that last thing you want is to be worrying about the food! Everyone knows how much work goes into planning a wedding, all the planning to make sure everything is just how you want it. Wouldn't it be terrible to have invested all of that time and then realize on your wedding day that you made a mistake on your wedding caterer! What a let down to have something like the food bring a damper to your wedding.
It is very important to be certain the Denver wedding caterer you choose has the same previous work experience similar to your wedding. The catering company your hire should have previously worked the same venue, served the same type of food and have handled at least the same number of quests to ensure quality service.
Its important to use a catering company that has worked the same venue before so they know the ins and outs of the location. Most venues have rules about where they can set up and what they can use or will have to bring. If the catering company has used the venue previous to your wedding, they also will know where they can keep their extra things.
Its important to hire a catering company that has served the same food you will be having served at your wedding to ensure you get what you paid for. There is nothing worse then being served one thing at the tasting and it tasting great and then when the same meal is made for a large number of people it loses its flavors.
For the same reasons as listed above, you need to make sure your wedding caterer has seved the same number of guests previous to your wedding so you know they have the capability to do so. When it comes to your wedding, you do not want a Denver caterer to bite off more than they can chew.
If you keep these three things in mind when hiring a wedding caterer it should help guarantee you won't have to worry about the food at your wedding. After all, its a celebration!
For Goodness Sakes, Look At Those Cakes
Two weeks ago, my friends Joa and Melissa’s suggested baking on Sundays.
Last weekend was the Super Bowl, so we didn’t bake, but yesterday, we did.
5 years ago